Ongoing international work
HNS Convention Follow-up Chart
IMO HNS web site
IOPC Fund HNS web site
The HNS Convention, Protocol of 2010
Texts of Covention of 1996 and Protocol of 2010
Preliminary version of the agreed text of the Protocol of 2010
IMO overview
Diplomatic Conference
Draft Protocol
Preparatory Documents
LEG 95 Report
LEG 95 Working Paper on the International Maritime
Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code and the Revised HNS Convention
LEG 95 draft text of Revised HNS Convention
LEG 95 draft text of Revised HNS Convention - consolidated version
LEG 95 paper on the definition of HNS in the Revised HNS Convention
Final Report of LEG 94 in respect of the HNS Convention
IMO Legal Committee Document Oct 2008 from the IOPC Funds on revision of the HNS Convention: Contributions to the LNG account
IMO Legal Committee Document Sept 2008 on revision of the HNS Convention: Contributions to the LNG account
IMO Legal Committee Document Sept 2008 on revision of the HNS Convention
GIIGNL Brochure
Report on the First Meeting of the Fifth Intersessional Working Group ('HNS Focus Group')
Record of Decisions of the Twelfth Session of the IOPCF '92 Assembly (page 20-22 and 26!)
Report of the 93rd session of the IMO Legal Committee
Further documents can be found at the IOPC Document Server. A Correspondence Group on LNG has existed, but the correspondence is not available on Internet.
The HNS Convention, 1996
Text of
DipCon documents
IMO Document LEG 71/3/4
IMO's website for (other) official documents
Title of HNS Convention in French:"Convention internationale de 1996 sur
la responsabilité et l'indemnisation pour les dommages liés
au transport par mer de substances
nocives et potentiellement dangereuses (SNPD)"
Title of HNS Convention in Spanish: "Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad
e indemnización de
daños en
relación con el transporte marítimo de sustancias nocivas y
peligrosas, 1996 (SNP)"
To the top
The 2010 HNS Convention: Why it is needed
The 2010 HNS Convention
HNS Convention implementation guide
HNS Convention overview, 1996
HNS Convention overview, 2010
Example calculations that show how the HNS Points system works: Excel format (live - fill in your own figures) - pdf format
Provisional list of imported amounts of HNS
See also papers from meeting in Ottawa 3-6 June, 2003
To the top

Implementation State by
Norway first state to ratify HNS Protocol
The ratification of 12 states is necessary for the new instrument to
into force (se details in the table below). On the procedure, see the information on the IMO webpage.
IMO status of Conventions
IMO Circular on entry into force.
EU Member States
Authorization 2002 of EU Member States to ratify the HNS Convention
Council Decision (EU) 2017/769 of 25 April 2017 on the ratification and accession by Member States, in the interest of the European Union, to the Protocol of 2010 to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, with the exception of the aspects related to judicial cooperation in civil matters
Council Decision (EU) 2017/770 of 25 April 2017 on the ratification and accession by Member States, in the interest of the European Union, to the Protocol of 2010 to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, with regard to the aspects related to judicial cooperation in civil matters
Commitment of EU Member States to support the IMO Work
Potentially problematic EU law
The following states have published implementation studies, etc:
Canadian implementing legislation
UK implementing legislation and discussion paper
Irish implementing legislation
Russian implementing legislation: Word format - pdf format
Proposal for implementing legislation drafted and commented by The Norwegian Maritime Law Committee (based on the original 1996 Convention)
(in Norwegian; translation of the draft legislation here) and Norwegian Ministry of Justice draft legislation (based on the 2010 Protocol; in
Danish report and implementing legislation (in Danish; translation of the legislation here)
Proposal for Swedish implementing legislation (in Swedish)
To the top
IMO Legal Committe and
other meetings
Report of Ottawa meeting:
Word format -
pdf format
Overview of working papers from Ottawa meeting
Working papers from Ottawa meeting
PowerPoint presentation: The Interrelationship
between the Maritime Liability Conventions (IOPC
PowerPoint presentation: The first tier (Norway)
PowerPoint presentation: Insurance Aspects of
the HNS Convention (CEFIC)
PowerPoint presentation: National Regulations on Reporting Requirements and Industry Concerns – the
UK experience to date (UK)
PowerPoint presentation: Preparations for Implementation
of the HNS Convention in the Republic of
Korea (Republic of Korea)
from the Correspondence Group to the 80th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 81st session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 82nd session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 83rd session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 84th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 85th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 86th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 87th session of the IMO Legal
Papers forwarded
from the Correspondence Group to the 87th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 88th session of the IMO Legal
from the Correspondence Group to the 89th session of the IMO Legal
Asembly resolution on HNSC implementation
To the topCorrespondence groups leading up to the 2010 Protocol
See separate file
To the topFrom the press
See separate file
To the topOther materials
Insurance supervision
IMO Circular letter No.3145.pdf
LEG 87-11-1 Annex 2.pdf
LEG 100 report.pdf
To the topUninsured vessels
OECD: The removal of insurance from substandard shipping
Note on uninsured vessels: Word format - pdf format
The Norström Report
IOPC documents on pollution from ships without IACS Class/ International Group P&I insurance
To the topSDRs
SDR valuation
is an SDR?
To the top
Academic papers
Further suggestions for entries are most welcome
Erik Røsæg: Non-collectable contributions to the separate LNG Account of the HNS Convention (from The Journal of International Maritime Law).
Meltem Deniz Güner: The Carriage of dangerous Goods by Sea
Derek McKinley: The 1996 International Convention on Liability and
Compensation for the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious
Substances by Sea: Implications for State Parties, the
Shipping, Cargo and Insurance Industries.
Philip R. Weems and Kevin D. Keenan: Is the LNG Industry Ready for Strict Liability? (from the LNG Journal)
Erik Røsæg on compulsory HNS insurance
Erik Røsæg on compulsory insurance
Erik Røsæg on the influence of insurance
practices on legislation
Nigel Carden: The role of P&I Clubs in raising shipping standards
To the topIOPC Fund (the HNS Fund
IOPC fund's HNS web page
To the topIndustry
CEFIC - European Chemical
Industry Council
FECC - The
European Association of Chemical Distributors
OCIMF - Oil Companies
International Marine Forum
OGP - International
Association of Oil & Gas Producers
WLPFGA - World LP Gas
CLNG - Center for Liquefied Natural Gas
Japan LNG Corporation
GIIGNL -The International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers
ICS - International
Chamber of Shipping
International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
ITOPF - International
Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
International Parcel Tankers Organization
FETSA - Federation of
European Tank Storage Associations
SIGTTO - Society of
International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators Ltd
To the top
Safety and safety concerns
Riley Law on LNG safety
Rabaska on LNG safety