IMO Athens Convention on Passenger Liability
This is an index of some information and URLs relevant to the Athens
Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea,
2002. The purpose of the website is to provide texts and background materials
relating to the Convention in order to facilitate interpretation and
Documents are added as time permits. The most recent amenments are marked
(click on the icon for one of the most recent amendments to this page)
Some files are in the .pdf
format. You can be notified by email when this page is changed by clicking here.
Topics on this page:
The New
Convention and the Implementing Guidelines
From the
relating to insurance and statistics
Former Correspondence
Friday, 1 November 2002 a new Protocol to the Athens
Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea,
1974, was adopted by a Diplomatic Conference in London. The Protocol created the
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by
Sea, 2002.
The texts:
Official text at IMO web site
Consolidated text: Word format - pdf format
The new principles are:
Liability without negligence for the first SDR 250,000 per passenger
of claims for death and personal injury if the incident relates to a "shipping
incident" (an incident that could not have occurred in a land-based hotel)
Compulsory insurance for SDR 250,000 per passenger in respect of
death and personal injury claims, with direct action and no policy defenses
except wilful misconduct. The insurance can be of any type the (performing)
carrier chooses.
Unlimited liability in respect of death and personal injury claims
for States that chooses so in respect of actions in their courts; the general
rule is however a limit of liability of SDR 400,000 per passenger
Up to a total of five years before claims are time-barred if the
passenger did not know about the damage, etc ; typically in cases of whip-lash
in high speed craft.
About 25% increase of limits on luggage claims
A 10% increase of deductibles
An Excel graph has been made to illustrate the new limits in USD for
different ships.
In order to facilitate implementing Implementing
Guidelines have been adopted.
To the top
The Depoitary has announced that the Athens Convention 2002, entered into force 23 April, 2014.
IMO Status of Conventions
List of Signatories
EU Athens Regulation
Decision of 12 December 2011 concerning the accession of the European
Union to the Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the
Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, with the
exception of Articles 10 and 11 thereof
Decision of 12 December 2011 concerning the accession of the European
Union to the Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the
Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, as regards
Articles 10 and 11 thereof
Timeframe - EU Athens Regulation
Evaluation roadmap - EU Athens Regulation
To the top
Lloyd's List
Concessions bring an end to Erika 3 wrangling
Brussels divided over ship size ruling on passenger liability
Brussels ‘should not be sole negotiator’
European parliament backs rejected safety laws
EU rivers ruling is a bridge too far
Brussels spat over inland waterways liability
On the last lap?
Bid to introduce waterway regulation
Second push for Athens convention
Insurers raise tratism alarm
Brussels questions P&I exemption renewal
Passengership operators: we are denied mutual benefits
CLIA joins with Marsh in online insurance launch
Barrot slams changes made to passenger liability law
EU forced to water down passenger liability law
Bid to end confusion on political violence cover
At peace with P&I
Shipowners hit by heavy P&I premiums hike
Shipowners face major increase in premiums
Malmros: no free lunch
Running aground
Terror cover shortfalls worry shipowners
Warning over terrorism risk cover shortfall
Brittany Ferries rubbishes talk of ‘terror plot’
Gibraltar fray blocks IMO conventions
French owners seek curbs over Erika 3 package
Last word/ Greek brinkmanship
Blow for European Commission as Erika 3 package is broken up
Al Salam legal fight targets Rina
EU turns tide on waterways exemption
Europe barge owners win liability exemption
Barge industry closes liability lockgates
ICS urges veto on parts of Erika 3 package
Inland waterways under fire from Brussels
Sea Diamond loss pushes first quarter insurance claims to over
IMO rejects Brussels' claims
IMO and European bodies’ joint actions continue to shape shipping
Barrot rebukes states over EU safety package
Groundhog day as clubs seek to stash renewals cash
Owners questioning hefty increases as clubs boost their reserves
It is time to fasten life jackets as Athens protocol whips up a
Understanding risks is key to continued prosperity
Battle ahead on passengership cover
Extra $1bn on the cards for P&I cover
TT Club to cover nuclear and bio-terrorism risk
Passengership liability cover faces major shake-up
EU bid for passenger liability harmony hits sour note
Revised formula places greater value on loss of life
IMO paves way for cruise terror and war risk cover
North of England boss sets out position of International Group block
Capping debate rages on as cruise industry counts its liability
Personal injury claims likely to rise in value and number
Insurers pledge ‘fair’ liability costs
Brussels a threat to P&I system warns Archibald
EU protocol on passenger liability ‘vague’
A need to ‘speak as one’ over terrorism
New legislation adds to mounting death and injury claim problems
Dilemma over cruise terror cover
Owners give positive verdict on Brussels Erika 3 package
Tanker owners in protest over Brussels liability plan
Why P&I clubs could be facing their biggest hurdle yet
Capacity squeeze slows European cruise market growth
Soaring hikes in liability limits a growing industry concern
Reinsurers delve into growing exposures
Owners urge Brussels to drop liability proposals
Delay sought on passenger liability rules
Athens protocol pressure places a heavy burden on cruise industry
Lloyd’s revises terrorism clauses
‘On this watery planet, seafarers deserve more careful treatment from
Marsh highlights cruise terror cover problem in call for protocol
Owners and insurers join outcry against criminalisation
An historic day dawns on a dramatic rise in limits of liability
Probing the limits of the maritime regime
Owners ‘facing terror cover crisis’
P&I passenger liability blow may be closer than clubs feared
Controversy still clouding Athens Convention 2002
Estimating the real price of pleasure
Security still firmly at the top of the agenda
Athens Protocol shocks P&I clubs
Blazing path to renewals in data forest
Athens factor and the extra burden on cruise operators
P&I costs may hit cruiseshp sector hard
Capacity at Lloyd's hits all time high of £ 14.25bn
Liability ruling within a year
Cruising towards strict liability for holiday claims
Crying over the loss of cash-full coffers
Letting tragedy lead the way for change
EU puts ferry safety rules on fast track
Athens Convention liability is adequate
Defence case made on Athens Convention
Passenger liability plan awaits support
Worldwide regime the answer to passenger liability
Experts warn of passenger liability chaos
Steep rise in liability under consideration by Athens convention
Little progress in Carnival wrangle
Carnival deductible fires controversy
P&I brokers defect from Marsh team
Clubs reverse position on terrorist cover
Britannia seeks huge rates hike
Club aims to rally troops
ETA targeted ferry
VIDEO interview
with Marsh broker Nick Taylor on Athens insurance (You may need to install
FlashPlayer to watch the video.)
Limits to cover could be costly
Carnival opts to raise deductible
Big hike in store
P&I cover set for renewal shake-up
Reinsurance costs to hit cruiseships and ferries
General increases not reflected in premiums
Passengerships face cover blow
P&I mutuals set to puff up already huge reinsurance cushion
Marsh comes up with terrorcover solution
Mutuals losing their mutuality
Will Marsh make terror cover work?
Marsh awaits input from governments/ Cargoship owners fear huge
Nightmare claim worries owners
Marsh war-risk offer irks clubs
P&I clubs hope for cruise relief
ISPS wording may unlock terror cover
Marsh warns about unavailable terrorism cover
Owners get sick of cruise claims
P&I Clubs cutting reinsurance costs
Risky business
Rift in P&I clubs
Passenger limit foxes P&I clubs
Cruise owners' cover to soar
Conflict spirals over the Athens protocol
US Insurers baulk at Athens revision
Norwegian pair prepares to lobby over high cruise limits
Cruise cover lacking outside P&I system
London club says $38m loss will not bring cash call
Owners to debate cruise disaster risk
Dollar levy could end P&I impasse
Insurers wake up to potential cruise tragedy
Putting a price on human life
Passenger Liabilities (Lloyd's Shipping Economist)
Shipping lines wary of possible huge shipping claims (Singapore
Shipping Times)
--Reply to the above
To the top
Provisional agenda (LEG/CONF.13/1)
Provisional Rules of Procedure (LEG/CONF.13/2)
Draft articles (LEG/CONF.13/3)
Secretatriat paper on the definition of defect in ship
Consolidation of Athens Convention and Draft Protocol
Burden of proof in non-shipping incidents (Japan)
European Union clauses (LEG/CONF.13/7) (see
also amendment)
Insurance and statistics (Norway)
Wilful misconduct (Australia and Norway)
(LEG/CONF.13/9) (see also amendment)
IUMI concerns (LEG/CONF.13/10)
P&I concerns (LEG/CONF.13/11)
Secretariat paper on the organisation of the conference
ICS concerns (LEG/CONF.13/13)
ICCL on insurance limits, definition of "defect in the ship" and
wilful misconduct(LEG/CONF.13/14)
ICCL on limits on direct action
US concerns (LEG/CONF.13/16)
Direct action and insurers' defences (CMI)
P&I concerns - supplementary submission
Report of the Credentials Committee
Protocol (LEG/CONF.13/20) and correction (LEG/CONF.13/20/Corr.1)
Final Act (LEG/CONF.13/21)
Conference Resolutions (LEG/CONF.13/22)
For the official texts, see above.
Official list of DipCon Documents
Collection of all LEG/CONF.13 documents
IMO's website for official documents
To the top
Card form
IMO Guidelines on Shipowners' Responsibilities in Respect of Maritime

P&I insurance rates for different types of vessels 2002-2017
Insurance supervision
IMO Circular letter No.3145.pdf
LEG 87-11-1 Annex 2.pdf
LEG 100 report.pdf
Terrorism risks
Former Correspondence Group (correspondence)
Athens terrorism insurance
An idea of the cost
Aon 2005 Terrorism Risk Map (large file!)
OECD Report on Insurance and Terrorism
Report on impact of terrorism on insurance, etc.
A book: Terrorism, tort law and insurance
Coalition to
insure against terrorism
OECD on terrorism insurance
Differences between Convention and P&I Conditions
P&I war & terrorism cover
Examples of war risk insurance cover (Nordic Insurance Plan)
with official comments
Norwegian War Club
Hellenic War Club
Terrorism insurance clauses
UK Report on direct action - see ch 7 and 15 on distribution of
amounts limited per incident
Conventions on Terrorism
Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes
Special schemes
EU Financial Perspectives on a terrorism fund
Information on the US COFR arrangements under OPA 90
Uninsured vessels
Note on uninured vessels: Word format - pdf format
Newspaper report on average of uninsured passenger vessel
Nordström Report
documents on pollution from ships without IACS Class/ International Group
P&I insurance
Statistics - number of passengers
Ferrynews on the number of ferry passengers in different regions and
ShipPax on the number of ferry passengers in different regions and
ISL on cruise fleet
Statistics - losses
Loss statistics: Excel format - pdf format
Liz Both on Marine casualties (from P&I International)
Insurance supervision
International Association of
Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
OECD insurance documents
SDR valuation
What is an SDR?
Further references
Academic papers
Further materials on P&I and other insurance
To the top
Reference texts and other information relating to
passenger liability and insurance
Further suggestions for entries are most welcome
Karsten, J. (2008), Droit communautaire des passagers et droit privé
européen, Revue Européenne de Droit de la Consommation, vol. 4/2006, pp.
Nicolai Lagoni: Die Haftung des Beförderers von Reisenden auf See und im
Binnenschiffsverkehr und das Gemeinschaftsrecht: Die EG auf Konfrontationskurs
mit dem Völkerrecht. In: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZeuP), issue 4/2007
Reply to the above from Erik Røsæg
Jens Karsten: Passengers, consumers, and travellers: The rise of passenger
rights in EC transport law and its repercussions for Community consumer law and
policy In: Journal of Consumer Policy, Volume 30, Number 2, June 2007 , pp.
Walter Müller: Should the Athens Convention be modified?
Bernd Kröger: Passengers carried by sea - should they be granted The
same rights as airline passengers?
Charles Haddon-Cave: Limitation against passenger claims: medieval,
Unbreakable and unconscionable
Igor Volner: Forum Selection Clauses: Different Regulations from the
Perspective of Cruise Ship Passengers
Barnes on alternative insurance arrangements
Kjetil Eivindstad on the insurance problems created by the Athes
Protocol (in Norwegian)
from a seminar i Hamburg 5 December 2002
Prof. Erik Røsæg on compulsory insurance
Prof. Erik Røsæg on the influence of insurance practices on
Air carriage
EC REgulation 785/2004 on insurance requirements for air carriers and
aircraft operators
Reply from Norway 18 July 2002 to ICCL: Word
format - pdf format
London Aircraft Insurance Policy (large file!)
Convention. Increase of limits
Air law conventions
IATA Intercarrier Agreement on Passenger Liability
Regulation 2027/97
Regulation 889/2002
ECAC-CEAC resolution on
minimum insurance cover: Word format - pdf format
EU proposal on insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft
Proposal for EU ratification of Montreal Convention
Differences between air carriage and sea carriage
from Correspondence Group paper at LEG 78 (LEG 78/3/1) (see also above on CMI
Rail carriage
Road Carriage
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of
Passengers and Luggage by Road (CVR)
Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International
Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road (CVR)
Inland Waterways Carriage
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of
Passengers and Luggage by Inland Waterway (CVN)
Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International
Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Inland Waterways (CVN)
Bareboat chartering
CMI on
bareboat chartering and the Athens Convention
EU materials
See also above on the ratification
European Parliament Briefing paper: Financial aspects of the proposal
on the liability for carriers of passengers by sea and inland waterways
Passenger rights directive
liability web page
EC press release on implementing the Athens Convention (2003): Word
format - pdf format
communication on passenger ship safety (2002)
Tender - passengers' rights
Directive on package travel
single market - the common good (large file!)
competition decision on P&I clubs
International Group of P&I
Gard Athens Circular
P&I cover 2013
P&I Confidential on the 2013 renewal
Lloyd's of London home page
IUMI web page
Example information systems
Nuclear liability
Nuclear liability - IAEA
Nuclear liability - NEA
Maritime carriage (earlier versions of the Athens Convention)
The following files have been password protected at the request of the IMO
Secretariat. (Username: "imo", password obtainable for members of the
Correspondence Group from Erik
Røsæg.) The files are not copyright protected under Norwegian law.
Athens Convention, 1974
Athens Protocol, 1990
Compilation of Athens Convention, 1974, and protocols
IMO Status of Conventions
To the top
The Correspondence Group was established by the
IMO Legal Committee to facilitate the negotiations of the Protocol. It is
continued as a discussion forum in respect of interpretation and implementing.
The current work of the Correspondence Group concerns the necessary measures for
implementing the Convention due to the lack of insurance capacity in
respect of terrorism claims. At the 91st session of the Legal Committee, it was
decided to leave the liability provisions of the Conventions intact and to
develop a draft along the lines of LEG
91/WP.3 This approach is based on:
Assembly resolution on reservations in order to get the Athens
Convention into force
LEG 90 informal explanatory note on reservations to resove the
terrorism insurance issue.
The work was finalized in October, 2006, see above
Correspondence (reverse chronological order)
Reading guide (Norway) 12 October, 2006
Compromise submissions 15 September, 2006
Norway 11 August, 2006
Belgium 10 August, 2006
Norway 8 August, 2006
P&I 14 July, 2006
IUMI 4 July, 2006
Norway 3 July, 2006
P&I 30 June, 2006
P&I 29 June, 2006
BankServe 15 June, 2006
IUMI 15 June, 2006
P&I 15 June, 2006
Norway 21 April, 2006
Norway 29 March, 2006 #2 (provisional plan for LEG 91)
Norway 29 March, 2006
ICS/ICCL 28 March, 2006
P&I 28 March, 2006
Norway 24 March, 2006
Norway 22 March, 2006 (Oslo meeting canceled)
Norway 13 March, 2006: Word format - pdf format
Bank Serve Insurance Services 10 March, 2006
Norway 28 Feb, 2006
USA 24 Feb, 2006
IUMI 20 Feb, 2006
International Group 16 Feb, 2006
Norway 14 Feb, 2006: Word format - pdf format
Norway 26 Jan, 2006
International Group 22 Dec, 2005: Word format - pdf format
International Group 15 Nov, 2005: Word format - pdf format
Norway Oct 27, 2005: Word format - pdf format
Norway July 26, 2005: Word format - pdf format
Norway May 14, 2005: Word format - pdf format
International Group Mar 23, 2005: Word format - pdf format
Norway Mar 18, 2005 (Report of Correspondence Group)
Norway Sept 23, 2004: Word format - pdf format
Draft report to LEG 89: Word format - pdf format
Norway July 5, 2004: Word format - pdf format
Norway May, 2004: Word format - pdf format
April, 2004
letter to LEG 88
Organizational matters of the Correspondence Group
One address for mailing to all correpondents: or fax +47 9476
List of correspondents at the time of the Diplomatic Conference
To the top